

June 21, 2018

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I struggle, so often.. with finding the truths. The truths.. in this world where humans dominate. For it is here where so much of what seems to find its way to being predominant are often approximations of the truth. I sometimes wish that I was one of those people who seemed to know everything..one who researched the facts and was able to lay them out for others in order to prove their point. But, somehow I fall short of that. Somehow, I am just not that kind of person. Somehow, I look at facts and what others call actualities and still wonder.. Is this the real truth?
For me, truth is in what I can actually see and touch and hear and feel. Perhaps I have become desensitized to so much of what is presented to me.. by sources that I don’t trust. It isn’t that I don’t want to believe in the truths.. but they are difficult to find.
I am able to find truth and beauty in another part of our world.. in nature.. a part of our world where humans do not dominate, a part where there is no hidden agenda, a part where lies have no value. And I value this precious part of the world so very much. But, of course, I am human.. so I must look at the world where we humans dominate..and attempt to discern those truths of this crazy human world. And so.. I shall search and evaluate and hope.. and I shall pray that the real truths shall somehow become clear.

~ Carole Carter – words and photograph

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